
Establishing A Winning Schedule

In order for your Network Marketing Business Opportunity to become a success, you need to create a constant flow of traffic to your website. To achieve this, you must establish a consistent productive daily routine. Your persistence and perseverance is what will take you to the top of this or any other endeavor. To showcase this, let us assume that you have three hours per day to dedicate to your business. Those three hours can be broken down into six half-hour periods.

We must now assign a daily task to each of the six half-hour periods. Period One can be dedicated to Forum Posting. Choose your favorite forums, and contribute to them daily. This should not only be limited to advertising, but should also include sharing your thoughts and ideas with the various communities. Period Two can be dedicated to Articles. Here you should spend time writing your articles, posting them to your blog, and submitting both your articles and blogs to as many directories as you can.

Period Three can be dedicated to Networking. During this time, a few things can be done. First, you should interact with other Internet Marketing Professionals at sites such as Direct Matches and Ryze. You should then take some time during this period to check your emails and respond as necessary. Scheduling a specific time to review emails enhances your productivity, as looking at emails does not drive any traffic to your site. Contacting your downline should be done during this time as well.

This can include calling members as necessary, or simply sending informative broadcast emails to your team and prospects via auto responders like Response Magic and Traffic Oasis. Period Four can be dedicated to manually surfing traffic exchanges. Make sure you are using a tabbed browser such as Firefox to optimize your time with this. Period Five can be dedicated to Personal Development and Online Education.

This includes taking courses at sites such as Success University. It is important that you evolve as the world and internet evolve around you, and dedicating some time daily to self-improvement and education will help you improve your position in the world of multi-level marketing as well as life in general. Period Six can be dedicated to advertising. Here you can spend time tweaking your pay per click ads, placing e-zine solo ads, and using any other methods of lead generation found in the Internet Marketing Success Guide, and beyond. Creating and following a schedule similar to the example laid out here will ensure your success in Network Marketing. Make the necessary changes to the example according to your time availability and write it down.

Dedicate twelve months of your life to a Success Schedule, and you will see positive changes personally as well as financially. Copyright © Maury Wilks aka Freedomfinder.

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